If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Installment Delay

Hey y'all, I've been up at the ER with Naomi/ST for about... four hours now as she's having a bad flare of IBS/pain, and I have no idea what time we'll be getting out. We did finally get put into a room half an hour ago, so...progress. And at least the hospital has WiFi that lets me get on the blog!! But I'm chatting with Naomi and will have an installment up tomorrow.



Shorty Chelle said...

I hope Naomi gets to feeling better soon. Take your time there's no rush Bailey. **huggz** <3

Margaret S said...

Take care of your baby (don't tell her that as in her eyes she is a grown woman but we moms know better) the installment can wait.
I hope she feels a lot better very soon.

nikirenee said...

That sucks, she must be in so much pain. Sending happy thoughts

Nica said...

Oh no :(. I hope Naomi feels better soon!

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