If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Joshie in pink--

No, not that Pink, that's just wrong!! But someone Photoshopped the material for me, and as Anonymous mentioned, I put it up on the website, thought I'd share it here, too:)

When I mentioned he liked penguins, she did this one:

That wasn't quite the kind of penguin I had in mind, but she said the little penguin was crying because of the pretty under the material, and Joshie would love it just because it's a penguin, so...

Anyway, there's some yum for this evening. Now I've got to finish tomorrow's installment early since tomorrow is another doctor appointment for Senior Girl and I will be gone most of the day. We got her blood work back today and everything is okay there, so we will see what the specialist says tomorrow...

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