If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Sunday, December 29, 2013


I thought I should post these here, since I've also posted them on FB and Twitter. I try to share the reviews when they're sent to me. Sometimes I just don't remember to share them everywhere. The past 2 days have seen me receiving info on 3 reviews, and here they are if you'd care to check them out:

Crystal's Many Reviewers-- Saddles And Memories

MM Good Book Reviews-- Fences and Freedom

Rainbow Book Reviews-- Fences And Freedom

It's been a fantastic weekend here, despite yesterday involving a lot of cleaning. We're happy, and generally healthy, so there's that. There have been wonderful comments and emails, and there's those. Lots to be happy about.

Today we have a lot of family over, and the grandbois are all playing chase and tickle. So cute! Happy Sunday, y'all!

EDIT: I didn't realize my sister had posted some of the reviews already! Thanks sis!


Misty*G said...

Both amazing books and so glad to hear you are having a good weekend!!!

Melinda said...

Have to say we have been done a lot of remodeling and cleaning. And it has not been so bad, but tiring weekend.

Jess1 said...

Happy New Year to you and the family!! Want to do some cleaning too.

Bailey;-) said...

Thank you Misty*G! I'm so glad you enjoyed them!

Bailey;-) said...

Sounds like you've had a busy busy weekend, Melinda! I hope your able to find time to get some rest.

Bailey;-) said...

Happy New Year to you too, Jess1!

Shorty Chelle said...

I loved fences and freedom have saddles and memories on my wishlist along with the rest of the series I haven't read of yours yet. Glad your having a wonderful time with your family. Happy New Year Bailey. :)

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