Here's Abbie & Clod.
I mean-- Claude.
Y'all can imagine Abernathy without the facial hair if you prefer. I liked the contrast of him being outside in the sunlight, and I really liked this guy's expression as a whole... and his mouth. And eyes. And the flower. That, too.
Copyright: <a href=''>Prometeus / 123RF Stock Photo</a>
Here's another shot of him that I like-- there's a bunch, actually, but I'm not buying them all :D
Copyright: <a href=''>Prometeus / 123RF Stock Photo</a>
And for Clod/Calude, a bit more elegance:
Copyright: <a href=''>arturkurjan / 123RF Stock Photo</a>
What? Y'all want another one of Clod/Claude? Okay :D
Copyright: <a href=''>arturkurjan / 123RF Stock Photo</a>
We may have had him here on a Thursday before... But even so!
Nice visuals for the characters
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