If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Monday, September 29, 2014

So we went for a short hike... (And winners!)

And it turned into over 3 hours of walking with Elijah and Charlie... They did great, but that trail was longer than we were told it was. Holy shit, we're all beat. And we don't smell so good either. Yeah, showering is in the near future, if I can get someone to carry me into the bathroom.

ST is sitting here waiting to pick winners, so lets get that done :-) Winners will need to email me at itsbaileybradford@yahoo.com and verify that they are over the age of eighteen if you haven't won from me before. Books will be mailed out tonight if I'm still awake and capable of movement, or tomorrow after copious cups of coffee and as much Advil as I can take without going over the recommended limit.

Congratulations to:


Thank you to everyone who played along! Y'all have a fantastic evening :D


Margaret S said...

I have a vision in my head of you all laid out on the furniture where you dropped with Elijah and Charlie climbing all over you and each saying "No you have the shower first".
Glad you are all OK.

Shorty Chelle said...

Congrats to the winners.
Glad you all survived your 3 hour walk Bailey.

Miranda P said...

yay I can't wait to read Solomon's book.
Hope your had a fun walk.

Demetra said...

congrats to the winners - enjoy.
My hat is off at ya Bailey...damn just thinking about it is making me sweat.

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