If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Installment moved to tomorrow

It's crunch day on Belt Buckles and Cowboy Boots. My apologies, I should have figured this would happen. I'll have a post up tomorrow night, and will have the winners for the ebook drawing announced here in a little while.

I hope y'all had a fabulous weekend and a fun Halloween if you participate in it. Ours was good. There's candy hidden away :D Thank you all for the kind comments ! **huggz**


Shorty Chelle said...

That's fine Bailey. Take your time. Glad you had a good holiday and weekend. **huggz**

nikirenee said...

no worries, we can be patient. :)

Melinda said...

Can't wait for more.

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