If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas Eve :D

Wishing all of y'all a wonderful Christmas and Holiday season!

 I haven't been on much due to chaos and illness, and will probably not be back in except to post a Merry Christmas greeting tomorrow and the post coming up next about blog stories. Yesterday we had a 15 hour drive to take the twins back to their folks' and doing that while having an upper respiratory infection and laryngitis was kinda rough, but it was amazing to see snow on the land I wrote about in Unexpected Places/Moments and Off Course! We even saw a little snow-storm off to the east, and got sleeted on.

I hope y'all are all doing well and are happy and healthy and keeping warm :D My apologies for no short stories this Christmas, I'm just feeling a bit rough and tired.


Demetra said...

Hey Bailey - in case you don't post here tomorrow wanting to wish you and your family all the best for this holiday season and may 2015 find you much happiness and lots of new ideas for books (couldn't resist).

waxapplelover said...

Hope you can get some rest and feel better. Happy holidays!

Shorty Chelle said...

Merry Christmas eve Bailey. **huggz** <3

L.M. said...

Merry Christmas Eve Bailey! And Merry Christmas Eve everyone!
Thank you for a great year and all of the wonderful stories Bailey. I hope you feel better, enjoy your holiday and relax and rest!

Anything and Everything Paranormal Blog said...

Feel better soon and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Tekikat said...

Belated happy Christmas Bailey! Just came back from our vacation and now catching up with the blogs :-)

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