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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Update and a word from Cherri

First, Cherri left this comment:

"CherriApril 25, 2015 at 1:56 AM
Thank yall so much !! It means the world to me and my family that yall are sending up prayers. I don't have the words to express how grateful I really am. Bailey you have been a life saver to me on many occasions and I will forever love you dearly !!"

Yesterday, Peyton was diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma. That's what the doctors thought he had, but they wanted to wait on the bone marrow and mass biopsy report. Here's a link to information on Ewing's sarcoma:

Because the cancer hasn't metastasized, thank goodness, Peyton's chances of survival is much greater than it would have been otherwise. He has a 75% survival rate, and we're all going to cheer him on for that, right?

He started chemo last night, and will have to go through 42 weeks of it. That'll go something like this:
Week 1: 3 days of chemo at St Jude's
Week 2: No chemo but possibly labs and/or clinic if he needs platelets or blood
Week 3: 6-day chemo treatment at St. Jude's. 
And repeat, for 42 weeks, then surgery to remove the shrunken mass and possibly radiation to make sure there are no cancer cells elsewhere. 

That's a lot, and it's going to be rough on Peyton and his family, but they'll pull through it. 

I'm going to ask again that y'all please share his GoFundMe-- the more people it can reach, the more financial help Peyton an his family will have. Prayers and well-wishes are always appreciated. 

Any cards or the like that y'all would like to send, just email me at itsbaileybradford@yahoo.com and we will get it worked out. 

Thank you all. 


Anything and Everything Paranormal Blog said...

Will continue to pray for him and his entire family.

Donna said...

My thoughts are with everyone - keep positive and stay strong.

sugarlipps said...

Thats good news. We will continue to kerp them in oyr prayers

Anonymous said...

I just read your posts on Peyton and my thoughts goes out to him, his family and friends. I will say a prayer for him . He (and his family/friends) will have to face a lot this year and i wish them all good luck and strenght.

Tekikat said...

Long road ahead but he has family, friends and angels supporting him every step of the way :-)

Demetra said...

My thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

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