If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Test Post

All of my followers have disappeared on Blogger. If you were signed up to get notifications via email, and haven't been getting them, please let me know. Thank you :D


Kim Whaley said...

I got it in email. Immediately too. I think that's a first....

Donna said...

I'm here! You're still on my blogger feed and when I check blogs I follow you're there so. . . *shrugs* Tech fail.

MA Church said...

How odd. You're still on my blog roll, but I haven't received an email from you in a while. Several days, at least.

Demetra said...

I haven't gotten an email in a few days. Usually they appear a day after you post.

ShirleyAnn said...

I haven't had mail for about a week I thought it was just me.

AiboPals said...

I haven't been getting them since 24th Sept, luckily I kept your blog open in a tab so just check it regularly

Shorty Chelle said...

hmm, I honestly don't know if I've been getting the email notifications as I usually just check the blog itself every few days lol.

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