If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Installment swap to tomorrow/babble

I got very little sleep last night and am going to crash early early (as in now, a little after 6) but will have a post up tomorrow. Mom got a call from her Dr. yesterday saying something had shown up in her blood work and she needed to come in today, so we all stressed out and didn't sleep hardly at all last night. I hate it when Drs do that-- I wish they'd tell people immediately because that waiting sucks! Anyway, she's had some health problems and it turns out she has Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever from a tick bite she got in Ohio in May. May. And that shit's deadly. She went to the doctor there then for a rash around the bite but the doctor said it was poison ivy, and not Lyme's. He did order other blood tests but Mom figured it was poison ivy, so...

Anyway. That's our latest adventure, and Mom's getting meds so she'll be fine. Has to have her blood checked again in Feb to make sure it's all cleared up. But sheesh. No more excitement like this!


Demetra said...

Hey Bailey - wow didn't think it would take so long to come to fruition. Damn.
Hope mama is doing better.

Bailey;-) said...

Hey Demetra! Thank you. Well it really didn't take that long. She had a rash break out multiple times where she had the bite and this last time she had spots on her legs and stomach too. She had been given antibiotics twice since the bite for other things, and that helped but they weren't the right kind or strong enough to knock it out, I guess. So we are lucky that it wasn't worse.

Tekikat said...

Whoa! Good thing your mo is okay.....hang in there Bailey :-)

MA Church said...

Oh good lord, no, that's def nothing to mess with. Ack. I'm so glad they caught it. *hugs* Might need to get your blood pressure checked to lol.

Shorty Chelle said...

Glad your mom is going to be alright Bailey. **huggz** <3

Misty*G said...

You need less adventure in your life! Glad Mom is going to be okay.

Bailey;-) said...

Thank you!

Bailey;-) said...

No kidding. Her spots are still there, too, so we're thinking she might have round two of antibiotics coming up...

Bailey;-) said...

Thank you! <3 ***huggz***

Bailey;-) said...

Lol that's true, and thank you!

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