If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Happy Friday to Y'all!

Today is just a babble day :D

 I hope y'all like the new story. It's going to be a combo thing, and I'm not talking about our romantic leads!  I will write two or more installments a week, and do my best to keep to a Monday/Weds schedule.

We are still settling in-- I had an impromptu road trip to SA earlier this week, well, Tues-Wednesday, and I am still tired.

Amber and the kids came out for a short visit before then, and here's some pics--

Damn it. I hate it when the pics load out of order. Oh well, here's me with PNut on me. 

Charlie and the magic 'shroom

Elijah and Charlie

Lol Wild Child is right!

ST/Naomi took a 'shroom seat too!

That (minus me and PNut) was a trip to the Albuquerque Zoo. Naomi wants to ride the tram up the mountains-- any takers? I have a crippling fear of heights. Well, of falling. 

We are excited about exploring the area, so if y'all have any suggestions of Places That Must Be Seen, let us know :D 

I hope y'all have a fabulous weekend! <3


Margaret S said...

New sights to see and some happy times. Lovely pictures of little monkeys at the zoo with their handlers. They are growing up fast. Is Mum interested in a tram ride?

Tekikat said...

Gorgeous pics Bailey....hVe a great weekend...it's pouring here in the northeast :-(

Bailey;-) said...

Margaret S--

Mum is not interested lol. Amber said she would do it, but she's not here now. The little ones are getting so big, so fast! And they're so smart! ***huggz***

Bailey;-) said...


I thought you were in the same area I was in before I moved! I hope you get some warm, dry weather soon! ***huggz***

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