If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Friday, September 8, 2017

And the Planets Swayed Progress & PLEASE BE SAFE!!

All hell is breaking loose on planet Earth. Three hurricanes headed in the same direction, and Irma-- JFC, y'all, please PLEASE evacuate and take every precaution you can if you're in the path of that monster. And if anyone is in that region and can help those evacuating-- shelter, monetary donations, food, clothing, etc., please do. We all have to pull together and remember our humanity as well as others'.
***huggz*** Be safe. 

Writing stuff--

Re-reading And the Stars Danced is making And the Planets Swayed a better story-- man, there were/are so many plot issues I missed when I wrote it here on the blog. 😣 So many unexplained points, too. So it's taking longer than I'd hoped. I'm now predicting I'll have it finished by the end of the weekend. Up on Monday, if Amazon approves it that quickly. Then I'll figure out Smashwords and stuff, I hope. 

I'm really glad I'm going through Planets so thoroughly, and that I've got an editor, proofer and beta readers to help out. I want y'all to have the best story possible to read, in plot, sex, and spelling/consistency/ grammar, etc. I don't believe in something I'm putting out there being good enough. It's got to be my best, and yeah, mistakes still slip through, but I try, and my editors and proofers and beta readers try, too.

Anyway, Naomi is having a lot of trouble making the cover. I wrote descriptions of characters she not going to find pics of, so she'll have to get creative. Probably a space shot and a torso or three, or hands, or...Well, she's got the job for a reason, lol. 

Something in the Albuquerque air is kicking my ass totally today. If I sneeze again, my head might blow up. Then someone else is going to have to finish Planets. 

Did I tell y'all about the contractions in Planets? For some reason, halfway through the blog story version, Edion stopped using contractions. When I started adding to it, I didn't even catch that at first. So, you know. Added 8k, realized what I'd fucked up (ARGH) and am fixing those, along with Ian's snark about Edion not using contractions, because he did in Stars, so he can't just NOT use them in Planets. Well, I'm catching all sorts of stuff as I'm re-reading it again. And boy, Ian's a trip!

When Naomi has a cover ready, I'll share it. 

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend. 


Shorty Chelle said...

We were planning on evacuating from Jacksonville n.c. if the hurricane stayed a 5 and/or 4 but since Irma shifted there's no sense in it as we're safer where we're at.
Can't wait to read the story.
Hope you get to feeling better soon.
**huggz** <3

Margaret S said...

Suggest Naomi do similar to book one but use more of a silhouette for the figures - More mysterious? or a combo of figures
Have you got some allergy pills handy - non-drowsy kind.
Try not to stress out too much as that can have an adverse effect on allergies.
My thoughts go out to all who are effected by Harvey, Irma,Jose and not forgetting Katia building in the Gulf of Mexico. Keep safe.

AiboPals said...

Mother Nature is pissed, my thoughts go out to all those around the world being hit by extreme events, Please be safe everyone.

I am really looking forward to seeing the completed Planets *hugs*

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