If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Today, my heart is so heavy. I have no words, or not enough words, not the right ones. I was a frequent lurker on Sandrine Gasq Dion's FB; she was an amazing author, incredibly witty and entertaining, and I admired her so very much.

To all who knew her, read her books, her posts, who saw her light shining so brightly, my sincerest condolences. I am so sorry.

I love you all. **huggz**


Margaret S said...

Deaths of authors always sadden me for the words and imagination that has been forever extinguished. As a bookworm since my early teen each one is remembered for the pleasure they brought to the world and have left for future readers to enjoy.

Cinders said...

I can't believe it!

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