If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Installment update

I'll have an installment up tomorrow. I had to do edits on Mr. September today and drive ST/Naomi and her two friends around to places.

 They've got a sweet story, too. These girls have known each other online for over 5 years. They've grown up together online for the most part, although one of them, ST/Naomi has gotten to meet in person twice before.

But now? Now they're all together, in person. One of them lives in another country, and she got to come out here. The in-person meet at the airport made my eyes sting.

Anyway, tomorrow evening I'll write an installment. I think there will probably only be 4-5 more max, and not everything is going to be resolved because this will be a series, whether it continues here or is self-pubbed.

I hope y'all have a fabulous evening ***huggz***

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