If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Now Available on KU, Sun Shift 1!

*This was the last blog story I completed not that long ago here, and there have been no significant changes.

Please share, if you will, thanks! <3

Sun Shift I: No Sanctuary

One shifter, waiting for others to join him in the sanctuary he's built. One lone wolf, broken and close to death. Cali and Jacob find more than sanctuary; they find hope and the possibility of a love that can endure throughout time-- if they can survive the evil coming for them and those seeking safety with them. But there might not be any truly safe place for shifters...

Cali has had to be cautious around humans, who have no clue that shifters exist. He's made a success of himself, and now he's ready to escape from humanity. The sanctuary he's had built will be home not only to him but to any other shifters looking for a safe place to live. He's spared no expense. Now all he needs is for others to join him. Maybe he'll even have his deepest wish come true-- that he will find another lion shifter to share the kind of the abiding love his parents had. 

When the perimeter alarms go off, Cali races to see if there's a lion waiting for him. What he finds is a lone wolf, beaten, battered, and on the verge of death. Cali rescues the wolf and brings him to the refuge. Whatever ails the other shifter is an unknown to Cali, and it takes all of his skill-- and a lot of luck-- to keep the lone wolf alive. 


Cinders said...

I bought it already such a great little story

Donna said...


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