If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Thursday yayyyy

Okay, I have the next two days off to write two blog installments so those will happen Friday and Saturday. FINALLY.

If y'all can take a moment to help me out, I'd appreciate it. We've been trying to get Amazon to price-match the free books in some of my series, and there are still two that Amazon hasn't made free. To contact Amazon about those, you just click on the question about a lower price below the rank of the books--

Then you just enter the info it asks for, like the price being 0 and shipping 0, and the link for where the book is free. 

So, if you could go to this Amazon link:

And click on that lower price link, then enter the zeros and this link for where the free book can be found...


And do the same steps here:


I'd really REALLY appreciate it! 

***huggz*** Thank you! 


Cinders said...

evil day jobs sucks!! but a necessary. Cannot wait for the installments. smooches to you.

Cinders said...

I did the price thang on amazon

KarenJ said...

Done. I hope it helps and that Amazon straightens out the prices.

Bailey;-) said...

Thank you, Cinders and KarenJ. ***huggz*** I wrote a shorter installment last night, then fell asleep thinking I'd pubbed it (hadn't). Tonight's will be longer. I need to wait until the grandkids fall asleep because I can't write sexy-times with grandkids around. <3 <3

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