If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cool mornings

Literally. I don't know where all of y'all are, but here in south Texas the mornings have suddenly remembered its fall and the temps have been in the low to mid 60's. Anyone familiar with south Texas knows that's almost the equivalent of freezing here (you should hear us come winter when it really does drop into the 30's, we can whine like no one else). I've yet to find cool, crisp mornings invigorating. Makes  me want to crawl back under the covers and go back to sleep:D

A little news on Josh for those who haven't had to chance to read the comments-- he won't be part of Annabelle's menage, and he will have his own story after hers. He will most likely have his POV told at times in Annabelle's story. And he looks hott in his hot pink scrubs:)

Hope you all have a great day!

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