Isn't it awesome? Now, Margaret S sent me the bunnies and came up with the saying or motto, pretty cool-- thank you Margaret S! **huggz**
And, see down there at the bottom, where it's maintained by J-J Designs? Thank you, J-J Designs, I would recommend y'all to anyone who needs help or total design, you name it. y'all have done an incredible job, thank you!
An update on the personal front-- Dad's been released from the hospital today. They caught the pneumonia a lot earlier this time, so the drs were able to hit it hard with antibiotics. Don't know about the eye, still, and he has to have an EKG, but he's not on a vent, and not as bad as last time. Still scared us all, but, THANK YOU to EVERYONE who sent kind thoughts, wishes, prayers, e-mails, comments-- however, thank you all. I'd give everyone a hug if I could.
Installment should be up tomorrow, I hope y'all are all having a fantastic weekend!
I love the larger Jamie image - Makes it so much easier to drool over. Banner was a surprise.
Glad your Dad is well enough to leave hospital. You can relax a bit and get some rest.
Hugs to you all.
I like it!!! And Horny Dust Bunnies are hilarious!! :) I'm glad your dad is better. I hope you get some rest.
So glad Dad is doing better. Now you get some rest.
Love the new design,
Love the new look. Also I glad your Dad is doing better. Get some rest now. :)
*giggles* Love it!
Sorry Bailey it was passed my bedtime so my brain was a bit addled - Should have said Joshie not Jamie. Getting my sexy hunks confused - Naughty me. Hit me like a brick as soon as I woke up this morning.
Great news about your pa
like the new look :)
Great new look! Best wishes to your Dad.
Glad to hear that the pneumonia was caught early for your Dad and that he's back home. Hope this week will be a better one for your Dad, you and your family.
Cute dust bunny and nice look to the website.
Love the new look. Glad that your Dad is doing better and I hope things continue to improve. Don't forget to take care of yourself.
Loving the look of the site! Prayers with your Dad,
Love the dust bunnies! I hope your Dad is feeling better soon.
Margaret S,
Well, I had to use it because it just tickled me to have you send it to me!
And yes, maybe a little less stress now. I am thinking a move to a dry climate might help my dad, because it's so humid here, but I don't know that he can move.
Crissy Morris,
Aren't they awesome?? My dust bunnies are ALWAYS horny:D And thank you, he is doing so much better, it's amazing. We were all scared he'd be as bad as he was last time, but no:)
Us, too. He needs some time to recover. And thank you:) I did get rest, once I finished the edits on Reverence. Oh!! That reminds me I need to post something here. Yeeps:D Take care!
Collette Nicole,
J-J has done an amazing job. I wish I'd known of them sooner, because I could never EVER get all the book covers the same size and I didn't know how to make templates and...well I still don't but they do so YAY!
Thank you, too. I appreciate all y'all's kind wishes and thoughts and prayers:) I crashed early last night and slept pretty good until P-Nut decided to burrow into my shoulder. :)
*grins* Giggle some more, you're cuter than anyone should be when you do that!
Margaret S,
It's all good. I mix names up so often when writing, and I know people wonder how that an author can't keep their character's names straight, and for me, it's just that my mind is zooming along way faster than my fingers, and it bounces from one subject or person to another and never settles down. Like you, I've woke the next morning and went, "How did I manage that?" Well, maybe that's not exactly what you thought, but you know what I mean:) I hope you're having an awesome day!
Thank you! Yes, we are all very relieved. And I'm glad you like the new 'do here:)
Thank you, twice over:) I hope you're having a fabulous day!
Thank you so much, and I hope you have a wonderful week:) Yes, I do love the bunnies, I laughed when Margaret S emailed me the banner, it just made my day:)
Thank you:) We are all relieved, especially Dad as he could hardly breathe. Glad you like the new design, and I'm trying to take care of myself:) I hope you have an amazing week ^.^
I am so happy with J-J Designs work! I'd have had this done a long time ago if I'd known how to go about it. I hope you have a fantastic week!
New look is awesome!!! Glad your dad is home :)
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