If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Installment up by 11:30 PM Central

My apologies, meant to post the expected time sooner. You ever have one of those days where it just goes by and you're like...WTF did I do all day, and why am I so sleepy?!

I'm blaming the overcast skies and lack of coffee. (I have spent a lot of time with the grandkids, and I DID go buy roses, vegetable and strawberry plants to plant tomorrow, though. So I did do stuff. Just...not as much stuff as I should do)

So I'll have the installment up around 11:30 PM. Ideally (and that's tricky, because...well because) I'd like this installment to be closer to twice as long as usual since I've got some stuff in mind. We'll see how I am on time and staying awake.

For those asking about ST-- and for anyone new, ST is Super Teen, who is now going to be 16 next month-- Sheesh, who here remembers when she was Super Kid (SK) before she hit the teens?-- anyway, the doctor said her galls stones are all bigger than the vile duct, so they will not be able to be passed, however some people leave them there for years and never have symptoms or only mild ones. Other people end up in severe pain. Right now ST is happy with taking Prilosec, which helps with the gallbladder contractions somehow, and not having surgery. Unless she has more pain, we'll leave it along for now. Thank you all for your concerns and positive wishes :D We will probably schedule surgery for her eventually, just not until she's comfortable with it. Better to schedule surgery, and pick the doctor, time, and hospital, than have her end up in agony and having an emergency surgery we have no choices in.

Okay, I'm going to cook dinner then tidy up and write. :D


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a whole mess of issues. Hope everyone gets to feeling better. Hugs

Demetra said...

Yeah I remember when ST was SK....gawd soooo long ago. Happy she is doing better Bailey or at least not in any pain. Boy do I wish I could plant a garden but we still have snow on the ground. Hopefully April will be better temperature wise. And no worries on the blog story. Enjoy supper.

Shorty Chelle said...

Take your time on the installment. Glad ya'll found out what was going on with ST. Sending prayers that all will be well. **huggz** <3

Anything and Everything Paranormal Blog said...

Sending good wishes.

L.M. said...

Take your time Bailey no worries! Well wishes to ST! Stay strong girlfriend!

Jess1 said...

Life gets busy so don't be too stressed about doing it. Best wishes for ST.

Tekikat said...

Good to hear ST is okay.

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