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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Cherri and Family

Today is a bad day, and my thoughts are all jumbled. I'll try to have an installment up late tonight if I can get my brain to calm down.

Y'all who have been following the blog for a while probably know of Cherri, my buddy. She's been my roomie, along with Jaymi, at the two GRL's I attended. She came out to visit this past November and we stayed at the beach. She's an awesome friend and I love her dearly. She has incredible kids, too. I've met them. I love them. I adore all of them.

Two days ago, Cherri and I were texting and she told me her son, Peyon (he's 10) was having trouble breathing. He has severe asthma and allergies, so this happens. She'd done his treatments and he was resting, but she was going to take him to the dr in the morning. She did. The doctor thought Peyton had a collapsed lung and sent her to a hospital yesterday. Then the doctors there thought it wasn't collapsed, just being squeezed by fluid.

This morning, they told Cherri Peyton has cancer, a mass on his lung that's spread to his back and is probably still spreading. He's been moved to St Jude's-- Cherri lives in MS but close to TN, so they'd gone to a hospital there already-- and doctors are going to do biopsies and more tests.

I just can't even grasp this. I can't imagine how Cherri and her family must feel, how scared Peyton is. My family knows them, loves them, and just...there are just no words.

I asked Amber to start a GoFundMe for Cherri and family. I'm going to post the link here and if you can, please donate, share, pray, all of the above, whichever one you can do, anything. I'd appreciate it and so would Cherrita.

Meanwhile, I have to get out of the house for a while. I can't be still today.

And I wish I could give y'all a huge, huge **huggz** in person, but I can't, so just know there's ***HUGGZ*** here.

Peyon's Medical GoFundMe


AvidReadr said...

If it counts for anything, Peyton will be receiving lots of prayers and good thoughts. Consider yourself and Cherri and family hugged.

Jenny said...

Prayers for her and family. And HUGE hugs all around.

L.M. said...

Sending positive thoughts and much love to everbody. Be a warrior Peyton!
Hugs to everyone.

Take your time Bailey.

Anonymous said...

Prayers to Cherri and her family and especially prayers and strength to Peyton.

Hugs to all.

And as L.M said, Bailey, take your time. Friends always come first.

Ashley E said...

Oh Bailey. Prayers to Cherri and family.

MA Church said...

Oh Bailey, I'm so sorry to hear that. God, how scary. I'll def be adding my prayers to the list. *hugs to y'all both*

Anonymous said...

Sending prayers

Jbst said...

My thoughts and prayers are with Peyon and his family.

Donna said...

Thank goodness they caught it. The cancer treatment these days is amazing. Best wishes and thoughts to your friends' son.

Unknown said...

Sending all my thoughts and prayers to Cherri and her family with many hugs.

Jbst said...

Sorry, I saw his name should be Peyton. I'll make a donation after my trip.

Demetra said...

I'm sorry to hear about Peyton. They are in my heart and prayers.

Tekikat said...

Our thoughts and prayers to Peyon and his family.

sugarlipps said...

Our prayers are with the family. St. Judes by reputation is the best hospital for kids. HE will see them through

Kim Whaley said...

Positive energy to the family. Donation sent.

Cherri said...

Thank yall so much !! It means the world to me and my family that yall are sending up prayers. I don't have the words to express how grateful I really am. Bailey you have been a life saver to me on many occasions and I will forever love you dearly !!

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