If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Happy Thursday, folks! Have y'all been checking out MA Church's blog? It's her birthday month (mine too, but she's doing a deal, and I'm just...eh. Here comes 47) and she's posting some fun stuff. I failed as a friend though. *sobs*

MA Church's Blog

So the draith piercings are still good, though I did pick up Charlie, spin her around then put her over my shoulder, and got whacked in the right one. Holy crapola, that hurt. I did not, however, drop the grandkid :D

I've noticed that I've been cheerier the past few days, but that could be from anything. Well, almost anything.

Anyone got some healthy vegetarian recipes that you've tried and like? Please share! I'm growing tired of the ones I know. I have discovered tempeh, however, and like to make tacos with it. But still. an only eat that so much.

It looks like the Hubs has another delivery he will need help with, so we'll be headed to Albuquerque Saturday-Monday. Get home early Tuesday, which is my birthday. Then I have to lock down and write nonstop. I mean, who needs sleep, right? Oh right. All of us. Oops.

And that's all the exciting adventures in my life. What's up on y'all's end? Hm? Share with the group :D


Misty*G said...

I loved your answers on the blog, I needed that laugh.

Kim Whaley said...

:) Working and the crazy holidays has been what I've been doing. This is the first time I've had a chance to look at the blog (let alone anyone else's) in about a month. I have much to catch up on...

MA Church said...

You did not fail lol!!!! And I'll be 47 too. ;)

Shorty Chelle said...

You didn't fail Bailey. **huggz** <3

Tekikat said...

Hi Bailey - still job hunting :-)

Bailey;-) said...

Lol thanks!

Bailey;-) said...

I hear ya. It's just been crazy!

Bailey;-) said...

Well I didn't pass!!! Woot for 47-- my sis is turning 50 next month and I was giving her crap about it...bad me lol

Bailey;-) said...

Thanks ***huggz*** <3 I missed a bunch of them though lol

Bailey;-) said...

Eesh, I'm sorry nothing's come up yet. **huggz**

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