If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Installment Estimate

We made it home, woo-hoo! Today's been catching up-day, taking care of stuff that needed doing. Strange how being gone just a few days can create chaos, lol.

I'll have the installment up around 11:30 PM Central, and probably, we should just figure they'll be up that time in general, and if I do get them done earlier, I'll post them then.

While we were in Tempe, I went and had my draith piercings done-- I'd had the migraine on Christmas day that lasted 2 1/2 days, then woke up with another one this past Sunday, and decided I was trying the piercings. There's been some who swear they help with migraines/anxiety/depression because the piercings are at a spot an accupuncturist's places needles for those things, so...Might help, worth a shot. If nothing else, I have two more holes in my head lol. But I'll let y'all know how it goes with them. For those interested, it didn't hurt as bad as my tragas piercings, and I have no soreness at all. In fact, I keep forgetting about them and whacking them -_-

Top piercings are the draiths, had both ears done. Bottom's the tragas.

I have to get dinner on but will return with an installment. :D


Tekikat said...

Wow....they look awesome :-)

Anything and Everything Paranormal Blog said...

Looks awesome.

Shorty Chelle said...

Glad you made it home safe and sound Bailey. Love the new earrings. **huggz** <3

AiboPals said...

I truly hope the piercings work, I have never heard of piercings in that spot so since I suffer from headaches and depression it is something that I will be interested in seeing how it goes for you

Bailey;-) said...

Me, too, and thank you! ***huggz*** <3

Bailey;-) said...

I will let you know. Not sure how long to give it, but we'll see. Depression and headaches-- I am with you there. **huggz**

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