If you're under 18, then go on and git.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Installment Delay

Sorry, y'all, but the hubs got put on some meds today and I am really not liking the way he's reacting to it. I will have an installment up tomorrow if possible or ASAP if not Friday. Thank you <3


Margaret S said...

Sorry to hear hubby is having trouble with the meds he has been given. Hope you get him sorted out and that he feels better very soon. Wishing you the strength and patience to cope. Love to you all.

Unknown said...

Take of the hubs. Don't worry about the installment. Big hugs Bailey

Misty*G said...

Hope he feels better. Seems like new meds are always a gamble. Love&Hugs to you both!

Jbst said...

Hope your husband is doing okay with the new meds. Please don't worry about the installment. Please take care of yourself too.

Cinders said...

Take care of family.

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